the Rose Wellness blog
We value self-compassion, self-forgiveness, and self-love. Here in our blog, we share inspiration to help you embrace your authenticity and start living your truth.

Reflections on Trauma Recovery
Why healing isn’t about returning to who we were, and the power of honest, grief-informed adaptation.

How Many EMDR Sessions Do You Need?
If you’re considering EMDR therapy in Maryland, call Rose Wellness. Our compassionate team of licensed therapists can help you achieve profound emotional healing.

Is Telehealth Therapy As Effective As In-Person Therapy?
Many people wonder: Is telehealth therapy effective compared to traditional therapy? Both methods have benefits and downsides.

Dry January - Meet Yourself in the Middle
A new year means a fresh start for many people; out with the old, in with the new.

How to Start Loving Yourself Now
Loving yourself is an inside job. Far too often, we trick ourselves into believing that "when I have this, I'll feel better about myself."

Dealing with Fear and Pain
We need to feel our emotional experience. Far too often, we run the other way.

Why Am I So Lonely?
Being alone and feeling lonely are two different experiences.

Empathy Versus Sympathy
Our job is not to take away someone's pain. It is to connect with them.